Open House!

Visiting the boys’ school this year was fun.  They are enjoying their year so much.  They wanted us to meet their music and PE teachers. It was nice to see where they spend their days and to hear from their teachers how they’re both doing a great job.

First up was Patrick’s classroom.  I informed them that I would be inspecting their desks and lockers to make sure they were staying organized.

That's my boy in the middle of all those girls. ;)

That’s my boy in the middle of all those girls. 😉


Yep...again, that's Patrick.

Yep…again, that’s Patrick.

His desk!!!!

His desk!!!!

On to Mac’s classroom.  We got to take a tour of his room then we took a family picture in the teacher’s photo booth.  I hope we get to see a copy of that one! My kind of fun. 🙂IMG_5022

Mac's self portrait....I couldn't figure out which was his.  I wonder what threw me off...

Mac’s self portrait….I couldn’t figure out which was his. I wonder what threw me off…

Mac's desk!

Mac’s desk!

All the work I do, and still Dad is the hero.

All the work I do, and still Dad is the hero.

Mac had a good laugh at this guy.  Everyone had the same template, so they each had a fat head and body. :)

Mac had a good laugh at this guy. Everyone had the same template, so they each had a chubby head and body. 🙂

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