A Fun Day at School

Mac came down with a bad case of allergy/respiratory bug/possibly pre-asthma stuff this week.  He was up all night Monday coughing horribly and by the end of the night had a very hard time breathing.  So to make a long story short, Daddy took him to the doctor to make sure it wasn’t asthma and he ended up with orders to stay home, drink lots of fluids, rest and to nebulize.

Woof Woof went with him. Love it!

So Daddy took day one and Mommy took day two.  Doesn’t sound like a problem, except day two was picture day at school. I did not want to have to mess with make up day and since he didn’t have anything contagious, I asked his teacher if I could bring him in for the picture time, then head home to rest.  She said that was fine, so we headed in.  I waited in his classroom while the class was gone and did I strike gold!

In the hallway. I rang the little bell and got in trouble from Mac. “We aren’t supposed to touch those, Mom!”

Couldn’t agree more!

This was a bulletin board of all that God created. While I understand God didn’t make the plane directly, the other animals are adorable! And this is my ‘non art’ boy. Took him years to draw a person or animal, but look at him now! Love the green (brown to him) monkey! And don’t those little hand prints just melt your heart? 🙂

This next drawing isn’t by Mac, but a fellow classmate. However, I was confused/amused with what was between the people’s legs and just had to share!  Where do you think she was going with that?

So after I enjoyed myself in his classroom and hallway for a half hour, we headed home for more treatments and rest.

I finally won!

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