I Was Lost, Now I’m Found

We lost our first DS game a couple of weeks ago. Mac left it on a restaurant table.  I called several times, but was told that no, it was not there.  We had a great idea of going back to the booth and seeing if it possibly fell down the side of the seat, but couldn’t find a time when there wouldn’t be customers dining.  I know it’s just a game.  I know it’s not really a big deal, but I was sad.  He and Patrick are really into Sonic these days and it was his current favorite game.  Shannon and I have this ‘rule’ that we won’t replace electronics that get lost or broken.  It’s just too expensive and we’ve told the boys, that if they lose or break one, it will not be replaced (the only exception might be for a birthday or Christmas presents, but that has never really been discussed).  He was handling it well.  He didn’t ask for a replacement, but he was sad about it.

Then, tonight we headed to dinner at THE restaurant a little early and noticed there was no one in the booth.  When Shannon asked if we could maybe take a look, the hostess said she thought she might have seen it, and low and behold, it was at the front counter ‘lost and found’ bin!  Mac was very thankful and excited to have his game back.  I was so glad that he behaved so well with it missing, so he could enjoy his ‘reward’ of having it back.  He even thanked God for allowing him to have it back. 🙂

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