Double Owies

So Monday, Mac ran over a toy and took a tumble from his bike scratching his knee and elbow up pretty badly.

For as long as Mac has been walking, any boo-boo is a major ordeal and he has a hard time moving on from it.  He has always screamed bloody murder for a loooong time not only when it happens, but when we have to clean it and put a band-aid on it.  It is not a pretty moment.  Then trying to change the band-aid the next day or so is another screaming ordeal…anyway, again, it’s not pretty.  Sleeping and bathing for the next few weeks are very rough.  Until the wound is completely healed, it is Mac’s number one priority.

So Monday night we were up for a couple of hours trying to get Mac calmed down and comfortable enough to sleep.  By morning, he was on his stomach sleeping comfortably as if he wasn’t even injured.  I was happy to see it!  Once he was awake, I asked him how his night was.

“Good, Mom.  I told God to make it stop hurting and He did,” he said with a smile. (We’re working on not ‘telling’ God but ‘asking’ God.)

“Oh, good.  I’m so happy God answered your prayer!”

“Well, I had to say it a lot to Him.”  Hehe.  This made me laugh a little.

“Yes, sometimes we have to keep asking God to answer our prayers.”

You can imagine our rough night Monday night…however, by Tuesday afternoon, he was doing much better!! So excited to report that he wasn’t limping around, as if he were handicapped, for weeks.  Maybe things are getting better with age?  Then Tuesday night, Grandma pulled up in the driveway…Mac runs for her…and falls.  Yes, he scraped up the other knee just as badly!  So now, we have two injuries.  The howling and screaming began.  I was getting very frustrated and overwhelmed.  So I told Mac (not in my Mommy of the Year voice…) to stop screaming his head off.  That when it hurt, blow on it.  And you know what?  He did!! He made it through an improvised bath (it had been quite awhile and yes, it was necessary), didn’t cry once when Daddy put on new band-aids and went to bed with no crying!  I was soooo proud of him!

Please excuse the 'inappropriate' attire...he was ready for bed...and he refuses to wear pajama pants...

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