Annoyed, then humbled.

I am constantly annoyed with Mac’s ‘why’ questions.  I mean, when people joke about kids asking why to everything, I figured it was a slight exaggeration…I was wrong.  I feel like an answer machine.  I mean, I’m glad he thinks I know EVERYTHING (and I mean everything!), but really, I start to feel dumb after awhile.  I try to be honest so that he’ll learn, but between you and me, sometimes I just have to lie…

So this week, while we were eating lunch, he asked me how God makes us.   (Refer to my earlier post about how babies get in tummies to know what brought this thinking on lately. 🙂 )  So, I answer as honestly as I can, “Well, he made us from the earth.  The dirt.  He used his hands.”  I think that’s honest, yet understandable for a 4 year old.  Then it comes.  “Why?”  Ugh. Really? I don’t was the only thing lying around?  He had just created it and thought it was cool?

Then I thought about it and realized what a great opportunity to tell my child why his God made him!  “God makes us because he wants friends.  He was tired of being lonely.  He wants to hang out with us.”  “But why, Mom?”  “Because he loves us.  His favorite thing to do is to hang out with us.”

“Wow, Mom.  I like talking to God.”  🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

He’s becoming so aware of God and what He does and why He does it.  As the conversation continued, we discussed Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden and I tried to make it as real as possible.  I’ve realized that when I try to explain things to Mac, it brings me closer to God.  Retelling all His acts of love for us, his current blessings for our family just makes me realize so often, how awesome is the God I serve!

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